
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition

Created by GreaterThanGames

A brand new take on the classic comic book card game! 1-5 players control heroes fighting evil villains in dynamic environments!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The End! Of the Campaign, at least!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 02:26:52 AM

Wow! What a campaign this has been!

Holy Heck! Kickstarter tells me: "6,721 backers pledged $539,765 to help bring this project to life." Goodness gracious, that's astounding. Thank you!

But now... 

 We're all pretty loopy over here, between this expectation-beating campaign, and the 2+ hours livestream we just wrapped up, we all had a most excellent and fun time!

The next few months will be full of exciting information about how the printing, packing, and shipping is going, so I'll be posting monthly updates on the first Tuesday of every month, at the least. More when there's specific things to relate!

Thank you all so much for being part of this! The Multiverse would not be the same without you!


Livestream soon!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 08:58:27 PM

Good morning, everyone!

Darrell and I are getting set up for today's livestream! You can watch it here:

We'll be starting in just under an hour! I hope you can join us! I am ready to answer any and all lingering questions!

Second to last day! Finishing strong! Using exclamation points! Saving the Multiverse!


The Final Day!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 08:58:19 PM


What a campaign! 

We're here at the start of the final day with well over six thousand fantastic backers! That's so dang fantastic. Thank you all for making the Multiverse the best it can be!

Like this, but a much more positive countdown than the one Benchmark is experiencing.

We have about ten hours until this campaign wraps up, which means today is an exciting day of folks here at GTG refreshing the page to see what happens! I'll be hosting a video call with various GTG folks starting at 3:00 PM Central time and running through the end of the campaign. And you can watch and even join in through the comments!

Come see our reactions live! Chat with us in the comments! Watch us try to get other work done but keep getting distracted by this big finish! What's not to like?

I look forward to seeing this thing through the finish line with as many of you as can join tonight! Let's save the Multiverse together!


Tomorrow, a stream! And the day after that? Another stream!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 11:47:21 PM

It's Morning!

I love mornings. It's when I'm at my most productive and most creative. Getting stuff done! 

Anyway, as promised, here are the links for the upcoming livestreams:

Thursday's LIVE FAQ Q&A AMA & BBQ! 

Friday Afternoon's Kickstarter Countdown Livestream!

I hope you can join us for one/both of those! Let's finish strong!

Oh, and the Multiverse? Keep on saving it!!


Last Week! Components and Announcement and Livestreams!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 01:34:54 PM

Good morning, allies!

For those of you who have read the rulebook and learned the new terms, you know that I’m saying hello to all of you, as you’re on my team and thus my “allies”. However, that “Good morning” doesn’t apply to me, as I do not count as my own ally — an ally is someone else on my team. Just a bit of a rules note before we dive into the box!

Let’s Get Physical (Components)!

The updates for this campaign were planned out early on, as you can see in the very first update. So, my plan in this update was to show off all of the components… but by this point, you’ve seen all of it! There was so much demand that I ended up doing extra livestreams and updates with more reveals. Which was great! So, if you’ve been following along with everything, a lot of this might not be new. But there will still be SOME new stuff!

The different sizes of cards make the table presence look great, as the Hero character cards stand out as the most important cards in the Hero play area, and the Villain character cards take up a commanding amount of space without being TOO big. Plus, I love the feel of the Environment cards being in landscape orientation, rather than portrait.

(That above picture is one Darrell took right after we got the preproduction copy. You can see some of my scrawl on a post-it note on the table about things we fixed from that version to the final. Progress!)

There are some nifty animated GIFs on the front page of this campaign that show how the spinners work, and how they’re assembled. Additionally, here’s a collection of the tokens found in the box.

I played 3 games of Definitive Edition over the weekend this weekend, and every type of token seen here was used at least once, so that means we made the right tokens! Whew. Also, no effects came up over those games that anyone had the “gosh I’d like a token for this” feeling, so that’s also good!

You’ve seen the Hero complexity, Villain difficulty, and Environment peril ratings in each of those updates. Those charts are from the Lore Book, which you’ve seen very little of, otherwise.

The Lore Book has bios and also helpful rules and interactions primers for each of the heroes, villains, and environments, as well!

I’d mentioned in the livestreams that the insert in the preproduction copy that I have is incorrect. I should have a version of the correct insert in hand for Thursday’s livestream, but it’s en route now. However, I do have some photos from the factory of it!

Looking good! Plenty of space for more cards in that second channel, and the character cards can either fit in the channel, or in the big space with the token box, or even just in the token box itself!

Oh, also, last but not least, here's the front of the box that the foil promo cards will be in:

If there are other components you have questions about or would like to see more of, feel free to ask during this week’s upcoming livestream(s)! More on that in a bit, but first...

Also, an announcement!

Over the course of this campaign, we’ve had several other companies contact us, wanting to be involved in a variety of ways. Now that we have made one such deal, we’re pleased to announce it here! I’m proud to introduce our German language partner for Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition: Frosted Games!

First, in German:

FROSTED GAMES freut sich der deutsche Partner für SENTINELS OF THE MULTIVERSE: DEFINITIVE EDITION sein zu dürfen.

Als wir von dieser Definitive Edition erfahren haben, wussten wir, dass wir die Chance ergreifen müssen, dieses absolute Ausnahme-Spiel endlich nach Deutschland bringen zu können!

Unsere deutsche Version erscheint jedoch nicht über den Kickstarter, sondern ihr könnt sie im Laufe dieses Jahres ganz regulär bei uns auf vorbestellen!


Der Ausdruck "Frosted" steht für den Zuckerguss auf dem Donut (Frosting) oder die Glasur auf dem Kuchen. Von herausragenden Solo-Spielen, thematisch anspruchsvollen 2-Spieler-Spielen über ganz besondere Familienspiele - und ganz wichtig: Expertenspiele, die ein abendfüllendes Erlebnis bieten! Es ist unsere Philosophie euch den Zuckerguss der Spielewelt auf den heimischen Spieletisch zu bringen. Wir gehen für euch immer einen Schritt weiter: unsere aufwändigen Überarbeitungen und unser Anspruch an kompromisslose Qualität sollen euch wirklich "Frosted Games" bringen - herausragende Spiele auf herausragendem Niveau! Der Zuckerguss für die Spielewelt

And now in English!

FROSTED GAMES is very pleased to announce that we are the GERMAN partner for SENTINELS OF THE MULTIVERSE: DEFINITIVE EDITION.

The second we heard that a new, definitive edition has been announced, we knew we had to take the chance and finally bring this incredible game to Germany!

Our German edition cannot be ordered over Kickstarter, however, but can regularly be preordered at a later date at

Follow us on twitter or facebook (@frostedgames) or join our discord ( to stay informed!


"Frosting" that's the sweet stuff on cakes and donuts and that's what we want to be for the board games community. Our Portfolio reaches from extraordinary solo games to thematically exciting 2 players games - from special family games to expert games that deliver an evening full of excitement. We want to be the "frosting" of the boardgame community: Deliver the very best games with the highest priority on quality of content.

We take games seriously and when you buy a Frosted Games game you can be sure it has been extensively worked on - localized version or not: you deserve the best, and we want to offer you the best a game can be.

Exciting times! We’ll let you know as/if other deals emerge

This is the Last Week!

I’m going to do a Livestream on Thursday at Noon (Central) that I originally listed as “FAQ Q&A AMA BBQ”, and this caught the attention of our Creative Director Darrell Louder. Darrell is an avid BBQist, and immediately volunteered to actually make those final three letters into a reality. I don’t quite know what all that entails, but I can tell you that I’m looking forward to Thursday’s Livestream! Plus, that means we’ll also have Darrell there to answer any questions about production, graphic design, layout, or even BBQ!

Also, I’m going to do ANOTHER Livestream on Friday! That will be an end of day/end of Kickstarter sort of thing, just ushering out the final hours of the campaign. I’ll do a brief update on Wednesday with video links to both of those events.

Until then, keep up the great work! Save the Multiverse!
