
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition

Created by GreaterThanGames

A brand new take on the classic comic book card game! 1-5 players control heroes fighting evil villains in dynamic environments!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What a launch!!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 11:18:14 AM

Good morning, Sentinels!

Funded in 45 minutes?! Well done, everyone!

There have already been a bunch of questions about what's specifically in the box, which heroes, villains, and environments, wanting a closer look at components and sleeves, and more! We've got our top people responding in the comments, but also know that over the coming weeks, I'll be posting lots of updates on a variety of hopefully useful topics! 

You want to know what updates and when? Well, fine — who am I to tell you "no"?

  • Wednesday, March 31st: Overview and Livestream AMA
  • Monday, April 5th: All About Heroes
  • Thursday, April 8th: A Mess of Villains
  • Monday, April 12th: Oh, the Environments You'll Go
  • Thursday, April 15th: Variants, Events, and More!
  • Monday, April 19th: Components: boxes, books, tokens, sleeves?!
  • Thursday, April 22nd: FAQ Q&A AMA BBQ
  • Friday, April 23rd: Last day updates!

Note that tomorrow has a Livestream AMA listed. That's happening! I'll be doing an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the GTG YouTube channel tomorrow at 3:00 PM Central time.

I hope you can join me then! I look forward to your questions.

Thanks again to everyone who has joined us so far! Keep on saving the Multiverse!


What a launch! Also, AMA later today!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 11:18:06 AM

We just hit the 24 hour mark, and WOW! I'm thrilled that things are going this strongly in just the first day! Let's take a look at the numbers.

Over $175k is certainly amazing, but that's not the key number I care most about here. When I clicked "Publish" on this post, we had 2165 backers. THAT is fantastic. Over two thousand Sentinels! It's incredibly heartening for me to see how many people are excited about this Definitive Edition. Thank you, each and every one of you. We had hoped that this project would be received mostly well — even knowing that there would be grumpiness and suspicion around a new edition — and the fact that we have this many backers in just 24 hours tells me that our vision for what we're doing here got through, and that a lot of people are into it! Gosh. Thank you.

Don't forget, I'll be doing an AMA this afternoon at 3:00 PM, Central time!

I hope you can join me and ask me all your burning questions! I'll also have a lot of cool things to show off on the stream. See you then!

And, as always, keep on saving the Multiverse!


Surprise Update!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 11:17:47 AM

Good morning, everyone!

I know I said the next schedule update is Monday, but today was going to be the first day this week we went without an update, and I just felt like saying "Hi!" and "Thank You!" this morning. ALSO! I'm going to put this right up at the top of the update so it doesn't get missed: the Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition Rulebook! In yesterday's update, I put a link at the end to the full rulebook that is included in the core game. Here's that link again! Just wanted to make sure it didn't get missed in the joke announcement yesterday. Oh, and yes, that was a joke. We haven't been acquired by a fictional chip company. Whew!

OK! On to the promised categories:


Hello, folks! It's been a thrilling few days here! This launch has been great — lots of people, lots of excitement, and lots to look forward to! I can't wait to see the variety of reactions to the updates over the next few weeks!

Thank You!

We're all so excited to have you all as a part of this. We could not and would not do this without you. You're the real Sentinels of the Multiverse!

See you all next week!


Big News!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 05:43:00 PM

Press Release from LitoCo, 4/1/2021

Tabletop game company Greater Than Games, LLC is now part of the Todidos family!

Todidos is a subsidiary of LitoCo that manufactures, markets, and sells corn chips and other snack foods. The primary snack food they produce is the Todidos line of flavored corn chips. LitoCo is headquartered in Megalopolis, Connecticut.  

In 1921, Todd Lito's food and parcel-goods company "Lito's Foodstuffs" began producing Pressed Corn Snack Biscuits. They quickly became a staple of every corner store, their waxed paper bags emblazoned with their famous catch-phrase: "They're awfully crunchy!"

Now, here we are, a century later, and Lito's Foodstuffs has become LitoCo, and Pressed Corn Snack Biscuits have become Todidos! Even the catch-phrase has been updated to "They're the crunchiest!" So, when LitoCo got word of Greater Than Games's move to make a Definitive Edition of their comic-book card game Sentinels of the Multiverse, they recognized a kindred spirit and quickly made an acquisition. 

Under the LitoCo umbrella, Greater Than Games will continue to make the games you know and love, but with more crunch and flavor than ever before! Look forward to Todidos infusions to some of your favorite properties, like a corn chip themed hero in Sentinels of the Multiverse, guessing other players' favorite Todidos flavors in Medium, and a river of molten nacho cheese flavored cheese-like-substance in Spirit Island!

Greater Than Games, now a subsidiary of LitoCo: "They're the Gameiest!"

A Word from Christopher

Uh, hey guys... so. That was a thing? I guess we're owned by a snack company now? Er, I mean, we're excited to be part of this [ᵈᵒ ᶦ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉᵃᵈ ᵗʰᶦˢˀ] *sigh* bold, new flavor experience. We can't wait to show you all how much more crunch we have now, as part of the Todidos family. I guess.

Yesterday's AMA and SotM DE Rulebook!

All that aside, yesterday's AMA went great! If you missed it, fear not! You can find it here. But, be aware: it went quite long. Two hours! I was exhausted by the end. 

As part of that AMA, I promised I'd post an update today with the full Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition Rulebook. I just didn't know I'd also be posting an update about our new snack-food making overlords. Huh. Anyway, here's the rulebook! Enjoy!

The next update will be next Monday, and it'll be all about the heroes in the Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition Core Game! We'll see if any of them get any new "Southwestern Nacho" powers or "Homestyle Ranch" abilities. 

And remember, keep on saving the Mult-- ʷᵃᶦᵗ ʷʰᵃᵗ, ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸˀ ᴼᴷ ᴼᴷ. 

And remember, keep on crunching!
